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This award recognizes current high school sophomores and juniors who are competing or who have competed and are involved in giving back to Odyssey of the Mind in extraordinary ways. Activities such as volunteering at tournaments, helping coach younger teams, and organizing Odyssey of the Mind at their local school or community would qualify an applicant. 


​Recipients will receive a $250 gift card and have an Odyssey of the Mind membership donated in their name to a program in need. The application deadline is March 30th, and recipients will be notified by mid April.




This award recognizes alumni who have competed, are between the ages of 18-25, and who are involved in giving back to Odyssey of the Mind in extraordinary ways. Activities such as judging, organizing tournaments, coaching teams, or coordinating activities with regional or state associations would qualify an applicant. 


The recipient will ​represent and assist Creative Opportunities Unlimited and OdysseyAlumni at World Finals at the Creativity Festival, Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Graduation Ceremony, and other activities. The award will cover room and board at World Finals in the same accommodations as Odyssey of the Mind officials as well as a $250 travel stipend. 


Due to the requirements of this ambassador role, the recipient will not be able to compete or judge at World Finals. If there are questions about the expectations, please contact OdysseyAlumni. 


The application deadline is March 30th, and recipients will be notified by mid April. 





Creative Opportunities Unlimited is pleased to offer several financial scholarships that can be applied toward the cost of obtaining an education at any university, college, community college, or specialized school.  Scholarship amounts often range from $250 up to $1,000 and are awarded based on a variety of criteria including commitment to and involvement in the Odyssey of the Mind program, intentions to continue as an Odyssey of the Mind participant/volunteer, and career or life plans directly related to one's involvement in Odyssey of the Mind. 


To find and more information and apply for the scholarship, visit COU's website.



COU and OdysseyAlumni are proud to support engaged alumni through awards and scholarships. Three different types of recognition exist, each supporting a stage in an OdysseyAlum's journey.  The application process for each type of recognition is the same (see directions below), and from the pool of applicants, a board of qualified reviewers will select the designated number of recipients.


Dr. Harold Kurtz spent more than 50 years dedicated to education and to the creativity emphasized by Odyssey of the Mind. A smile, a kind word, and an extended hand exemplified Harold’s approach to life. His passions were creativity, intellectual curiosity, and love of people. Without Harold, the Odyssey of the Mind program would not be the great program it is today. These scholarships are dedicated to his memory. ​ Two $1,000.00 one-time scholarships will be awarded each year to OMERS who are seniors in high school or have entered post high school education, and who meet one or more of the criteria below.   Applicants may apply for one or both, if they meet the criteria, but may only receive one scholarship. If you qualify and apply for both scholarships, the committee will decide the one scholarship that you may be awarded.


To find and more information and apply for the scholarship, visit COU's website.



Wayne R. Kehrli was involved with Odyssey of the Mind for 35 years.  During that time, he volunteered in many aspects of Odyssey of the Mind; serving as a coach, judge, and ultimately as the International Problem Captain for Problem #1, a position he held for 25 years until his retirement in 2014 due to illness.  He was honored with the Odyssey of the Mind Spirit Award in 2007.  Wayne loved creative thought and beyond-the-box thinking.  He believed creativity was everywhere; in every Odyssey of the Mind problem, every vocation, and everyday life. He loved watching kids grow and change through their Odyssey experience. The Kehrli family honors Wayne by continuing what he dedicated much of his life to - encouraging creativity, education, and creativity in education.  This $1,111 scholarship will be awarded to a Division IV applicant who displays the passion, creativity and growth Wayne so greatly encouraged and admired.  His creative and kind spirit will live on through the Wayne R. Kehrli Memorial Scholarship.


To find and more information and apply for the scholarship, visit COU's website.



Odyssey of the Mind



The world's first creative problem solving organization that has been challenging brilliant minds since 1978.

Creative Opportunities Unlimited



A non-profit organization dedicated to helping bring the Odyssey of the Mind program to young people all around the world via travel grants, Association grants, and more.

Local Associations



Find your nearest Odyssey of the Mind Association to see how you can get involved as a volunteer today.


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